A comparative study of the concept of dystopia in Brian Aldiss' short story "Super Toys Last All Summer Long" and its cinematographic adaptation, Artificial Intelligence.

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1. Compare the story "Super Toys Last All Summer Long" with the movie Artificial Intelligence. Do they use the same symbols? Do they have the same themes? Explain why or why not. * ** Adapting literature for the big screen is a risky process, and can yield great results as well as a poor, butchered, dubbed-down version of an otherwise major work. Fortunately, Stanley Kubrick 's Artificial Intelligence movie has proved, by its extended use of dystopia and …

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…BAUDRILLARD, "Simulacra and Simulations", in Jean Baudrillard: Selected. Writings, ed. Mark Poster, Polity: Blackwell, 1988.pp.166-184 - Harold BERGER, Science-fiction and the New Dark Age, Popular Press, Bowling Green ed., 1976 - EDGUY, "Until We Rise Again" in Vain Glory Opera, Century Media Records, 1996 - Douglas KELLNER & Michael RYAN, Politics and Ideology in Contemporary Hollywood Films, 1981 - Stanley KUBRICK, Steven SPIELBERG, Artificial Intelligence - Stanley KUBRICK, 2001: A Space Odyssey - Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, 1999