A comparative Essay beetween the book Interview with the vampire and its restpective movie

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The movie and the book Interview with the Vampire were alike in few ways, but different in to many to count. The movie was supposed to be a close representation of the book. In the beginning of the movie Ann Rice said that it was one of her favorites and was close to what she had expected. I thought that it was a mockery of it. It was leaving out so many details. It got …

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…that Lestat was the dad and that was how he got her back for him, but in the movie she just "was there". I could go on like this for quite a few pages longer except it is all pretty much the same thing. Like the coffins being the wrong shape and so on, but you get the idea. In conclusion I thought that the book was exceptional and the movie just sucked in comparison.