"A cold Day in Paradise" and "WInter on the Wolf Moon" by Alex McKnight.

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Life is a journey not a destination. On the road of life adversity teaches the most valuable lessons. The emotional outcome of one's choices always carries a heavy burden; guilt exists a common feeling. "How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself" (Syrus 48). Guilt causes a multitude of different reactions. In Steve Hamilton's novel and its sequel, A Cold Day in Paradise and Winter of the Wolf Moon, unresolved guilt burdens the protagonist. Despite countless …

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…a guilty conscience by overindulging in inquisitions, which in the fullness of time casts skepticism on himself pending revealing of the truth. Even though past actions cannot be taken back, Alex finds a way to forgive himself in order to lead a more peaceful life. Running away from problems does not bring about a solution and McKnight realizes this important lesson. Problems must be dealt with and understood in order for them to emerge resolved.