A child called "It" By: Tan Ly

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Essay Database > Literature
Love and a family who cared was all he wanted, but hate and child abuse was all he got. David Pelzer's story is one of the most unforgettable and severe child abuse cases in California. David was brutally beaten and starved by his mother who was an alcoholic and who had emotional problems. She played games that were unpredictable and torturous that left David nearly dead. In this story A Child Called "It", it reveals …

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…all you can see that David didn't have the ideal life as a kid. David came forth and shared his horrible childhood by writing a book. This book helps people who have been child abused come forward and talk to someone about it. David was a very smart and intelligent boy, by learning how to play his mothers games. What may seem to be a perfect life, can change within a blink of an eye.