A character study of Malachy McCourt from Angelas Ashes, written by Frank McCourt.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Character Study- Malachy McCourt (senior) In the book Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt, Malachy is one of the main characters. He is the father of the main character and author Frank McCourt. Malachy was an irresponsible and uncaring person. He has no respect for others and is egotistic. Malachy was born in Toome, County Antrim on a farm. After fighting with the Old IRA he got in trouble with the Irish and the English. He …

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…pints that wasted his money to move to California to his uncle and get away from his life in Brooklyn. He was the creator of his own demise, his own failures. Malachy chose his path and the lived to regret it. He got married, even though he was the reason. He had children when he was irresponsible. He failed his family and himself. He was uncaring also. After all, he is like everyone else, flawed.