A character analysis on Monya Elson from the non fiction book Red Mafiya, by Robert I. Friedman.

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Character Analysis Monya Elson, a name many people have never heard, but for those who have are most likely resting in their deathbed. Elson is one of the most feared hit man in organized crime. He helped put the Russian mob as one of the most ruthless mobs around. Monya Elson grew up to become a natural born criminal, later invading America, and becoming an impossible target to kill. Before coming to America Elson lived …

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…innocent lives lost because of the two. I enjoyed reading about Monya Elson because he was a real interesting subject to read about. It is scary how one many can be so powerful and never have a car in the world. So from growing up to a natural born criminal, invading over America, and becoming impossible to kill, Monya Elson is one of the most ruthless criminals that ever walked the face of this earth.