A character analysis on Grandson, from Ha Jin's Under The Red Flag.

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Grandson "A moment later Big Hat came to and began crying for help Grandson went over and kicked him in the stomach" (110), a prime example of Grandson's violent nature. Through out the story "Emperor" the reader is shown the violent tendencies of the boys but none being more violent than Grandson. But what makes Grandson so violent? Kids who are violent have many reasons behind their actions. Most of those being negative experiences in their …

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…is wrong. Instead they cheer him on. <Tab/>From loosing his parents, growing up with and abusive and neglecting uncle, having no good friends, and playing violent war games are the main reasons behind Grandson's violent temper. We can not blame everything on the individual, when the individual has never been raised in a appropriate environment. All of Grandson's actions were actions of attention and or anger towards his miserable life.