A case analysis on a retirement home -- SOWT and Industry anaysis.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
COMPANY'S BACKGROUND Yee Hong Centre Vision A caring community where seniors and others enjoy the highest quality of life Mission Statement Yee Hong Centre is committed to being a centre of excellence that provides vision and leadership. With strong roots in the Chinese community and respect for seniors, it strives to develop quality services and facilitate community building to enable seniors of different backgrounds and needs to live their lives to the fullest - in …

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…available Please refer to the substitution section. High product difference The quality of service in this industry varies depending upon the quality and commitment of the intellectual resources. Each of the players in this industry is quite unique. They have their own strength and weakness. So, the households are difficult to find an alternate supplier unless they are seeking for a change. This high degree of product differentiation diminishes the bargaining power of the buyer.