A brief prespective of Dorris and Professor Sweeny from the movie "American History X"

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
American History X Doris' perspective By: Rachel Jones This is a movie about a mother, Doris, who has four children. The movie is based around her two son's Derrick and Danny. Derrick is the oldest, an "A" student, who thrives for knowledge. Danny, her younger son, worships the ground his older brother walks on. Life is turned upside down at the kitchen table one breakfast morning when her husband questions the fact that Derrick has …

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…from prison, and convinces himself and his brother to get out of the cult, whereas,(White power is superior and minorities are insignificant). The problem now, at the end of the movie is; what will Derrick do now that his brother has been shot and killed by a black teenager. Will he continue on his current path and beliefs, or will he return to the cult out of anger for the death of his brother?