A brief essays about the significance of epiphanies in James Joyce's "The Dead"

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Essay Database > Literature
In "The Dead," James Joyce utilizes his character Michael Furey, the deceased lover of Gretta's youth, as an apparent symbol of how the dead have a steadfast and continuous power over the living. The dominant power, which Michael maintains over the protagonist, causes Gabriel to see how much he truly loves his wife. Even though it is made evident to the reader that Gabriel possesses such devotion and adoration for Gretta, Michael diverts Gabriel's confidence …

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…a fresh, clean slate. The couple knows that age is upon them and that they must pursue their passions, just as Michael had, so as to fulfill life and not deny the emotions they have so as not to lose love. Just as the snow had covered the edges and sharp corners of the landscape, it was time for Gabriel and Gretta to ease the tensions between themselves and live a life happily and lovingly.