A brief essay on genectically engineered foods

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
What is genetic engineering? Many people are not sure about what it is. Genetic engineering is the process of inserting the gene of one species into another species. Ever since the latter part of the 19th century, when Gregor Mendel discovered that characteristics in pea plants could be inherited, scientists have been improving plants by changing their genetic makeup. Not until recently though have scientists figured out how to genetically alter a plant. This research …

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…the genetically engineered foods to causing health problems. They may be right, but at the present moment no one can really no the long term effects of genetically engineered foods until enough time has passed to see the results. The whole process is a new one and shooting it down right away because of speculative accusations will lead us no where into the future in the field of science or any other field of study.