A brief biography of Federico Garcia Lorca as well as a brief analysis of his poem "The Moon Rising"

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Federico Garcia Lorca was born in 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros in the province of Granada. His earliest training was in music, literature, and painting which he continued to study at schools in Granada. He was such a great composer and performer that everyone was surprised when he published a book of prose that he was inspired to write after visiting the Castile. Then in 1919, he moved to Madrid. Here he became acquainted with some of the …

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…and possibly a representation of the sun, is brought up. It says the moon is not happy, or bright (like the sun), but instead it is cold and lifeless. The green represents something that is not ripe yet, not full of life, or maybe even something that is rotting. Green is also a color mixed with blue to form a nighttime sky. Therefore the major theme of the poem is the death of a romance.