A breif narration of the Pequod War.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Pequod War English/North American History The Pequods are not something you usually hear of, but they were a variety of Indian that lived in the area of Connecticut. The new settlers of Connecticut did not know these Indians very well. They would later learn, the hard way, just who they were. At first the Pequods and the English settlers left each other alone. The Pequods then started to fight with the settlers. Three …

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…it was defiantly not unjust. I think that this is true because it was the just judgment of God, and if the Puritans had not conquered the Pequods they would have perhaps continued killing the settlers. This battle is usually unheard of, but I don't think it should be forgotten. After all, we can remember other famous battles and their outcomes like Gettysburg, so why shouldn't we need to remember one great battle like this.