A bookrevie of Charles Dickens'A Tale Of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities published by Dodd, Mead and Company, inc. is definitely an action-packed novel. It has everything from grave robbers to a sappy love story with heroes. The story is set in London and Paris during the French Revolution. The book starts with Lucie Manette learning that her father, Doctor Manette has been secretly locked in prison for eighteen years, and is alive. Mr. Lorry, a friend of the family …

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…in the play, comes out of nowhere and kills Madame Defarge. That to me was a little different from the other novels I have read. Most of the time another main character or indirect action kills a main character, but Dickens threw in this different but interesting twist. I think that this book was very interesting and is quite different from the books I usually read, but I would defiantly recommend this book to others