A bookreport about the book Sotah by Neomi Regen - synopsis, opinion and a creative task. The book is written in English, by an Israeli author, and the plot also takes place in Israel.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Sotah brings us the story of Dina Reich, a haredi* woman from Meah Shearim. Dina is 17 when she must marry a man. She marries Judah Gutman, a carpenter. At first she doesn't love him, but, just like any other haredi girl, she hopes she'll just get used to him. Time passes by and something is missing in her life. Judah is a good, loving husband, but she still needs something. After her mother dies and …

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…to leave, or suffer everyday the humiliation and disgrace. In the book we learn that there are groups of fanatical people that think it's their job to carry out God's will (in this case - Reb Kurzman's group). They threat the sinners and punish them as they please. In conclusion, the sin of adultery is the same crime in every community, but the punishment differs from one person, one culture, one time to the other.