A book review on Upton Sinclaire's The Jungle.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
THE JUNGLE The Jungle by Upton Sinclaire is set in America during the early 1900's. Mainly in Packingtown, Chicago. A small town made up of a few stores and two big meat processing plants. The story tells us about immigrants seeking the concept of the America dream. They end up working in harsh conditions in the meat factory that are not sanitized, and treat animals with such cruelty. The major theme of The Jungle is …

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…way through. This novel is based on a time before any laws on working conditions and food quality were even established. Im amazed that we all didn't die from eating food made in such poor conditions. I think the novel was trying to persuade readers to be a socialist, but it didn't persuade me. I don't really agree with the authors ideas on government. I am happy with the form of democracy we practice today.