A book report on "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Of Mice and Men a novel by John Steinbeck is an interesting book about an unlikely pair and how they got a farm of their own. George who is short and straight to the point. Lennie who is a man of tremendous size yet has the mind of a young child. They meet a lot of nice people and one nasty one when they go to work at a farm to raise enough money to …

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…they know that Lennie didn't mean any harm and they tell Curley to say that he got his hand in a machine. I think that this book is really good I couldn't put it down. My favorite character is Lennie because he reminds me of a little kid. He also kind of reminds me like myself when I was a kid. That is why I think Of Mice and Men is a really good book.