A biography on the life of Sylvia Plath

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Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts. Her parents were Otto and Aurelia Plath. Plath's father, Otto, immigrated to America from Germany when he was just sixteen years old. He wanted to study ministry at the Northwestern College, which was a small Lutheran school. According to his wife, Aurelia, Otto changed his ambitions because he didn't feel a true "calling" for the ministry. He received a master of the arts from Washington University, …

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…of the intense pressure was having its effect. She started having periodic bouts of sinus colds that exhausted her physically and mentally, and she began chafing at any academic difficulty. Plath was such a perfectionist that she couldn't abide the fact that she was getting "B's" in German. She wrote letters to her mother, in 1952, that she was considering committing suicide because of a science requirement in her college. Then in1963, committed suicide in London.