A biography of John Kerry and how his controversial stances on moral issues cost him the election.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
John Kerry is only the third Catholic to be nominated for the President of the United States of America in our nation's 215-year history. However, unlike his Predecessors, Al Smith and the first JFK, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Kerry's beliefs contradicted with those of his own Catholic Church. These anti-Catholic viewpoints on moral issues alienated him not only from the Church and Catholic voters, but also from an increasingly conservative America who deemed his stances on …

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…amp;gt; "Kerry Said to be Excommunicated." Catholic World News. 2004 Domus Enterprises, Inc. 23 Nov 2004. <http://cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=32830> Mark Stricherz. "John Kerry's Open Mind." Christianity Today. 27 Sept 2004. 2004 Christianity Today. <http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2004/010/20.28.html> Thomas, Cal. "John Kerry does it again." Townhall. 2004 Tribune Media Studies. 23 Nov 2004.<Tab/> <http://www.townhall.com/columnists/calthomas/ct20040920.shtml>