"A Wrinkle in Time" Essay.

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Essay Database > Literature
"A Wrinkle In Time" is an example of great American literature. It is a plot-based novel with something always happening while an obstacle is standing in the way. Most of the conflict occurring in this book is person versus self and person versus supernatural. A certain aspect that is very prevalent in this book is love. This love takes the characters on the trip of a lifetime, for the sole purpose of finding her father. …

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…that IT is incapable of expressing. She draws on all the love from every person who shows her love, like her twin brothers, Charles Wallace, Mrs. Whatsit, her mother, and finally after so many years, her father. This love in return helps her to find her father; if she didn't have it, she would have never succeeded in finding him. She also returns unscathed and perhaps a little wiser from her trip of a lifetime.