'A View from the Bridge' by Arthur miller, Explore the significance of a selected section of the play,explore how it relates to the social and historical context.

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The scene, in which Eddie first goes to Alfieri to investigate whether anything can be done to get rid of Rodolopho, this is significant to the play, as it is the first time Eddie has openly expressed his dislike for Rodolpho. The play is designed to shock the 1950's audience, as the subjects that arise are illegal or disqualified from society, in the 1950's incestuous behaviour was a very unspoken subject as it is today. …

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…play as the audience knows everything that's happened but Eddie doesn't know that Beatrice has said this to Catherine and Beatrice doesn't know that Eddie went to Alferi. In conclusion this scene is very significant to the rest of the play because if it was not in the play then he wouldn't have first had the idea of telling the immigration bureau and without this scene the play would loose a lot of the tension.