A View from the Bridge

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A View from the Bridge The structure of the play is very important to the content of the play. The story is set out in two very definite acts. This is important to the audience and their understanding of the play. The events of Act 1 are mirrored in Act 2, although in a more serious manner. For instance, in Act 1 we hear of Vinny Balzano, the young boy who was disowned by his family after reporting …

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…it gripping, definitely making the audience want to find out more. As with the opening speech, it adds a definite sense of foreboding, as the audience are able to sense dramatic events are set to take place in the second Act. Also the tension is conveyed in a wide variety of different forms, the most effective in my opinion being the visual actions of the characters, communicating a great deal to the audience very easily.