"A View From The Bridge" by Arthur Miller.

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Question 4: "Plays are structured so that the resolution of conflict appears as a 'natural' or inevitable consequence of the moral or ethical concerns raised in the play. Discuss" "Above all else, tragedy requires the finest appreciation by the writer of cause and effect" Arthur Miller The role of the playwrite as a true moral force is an ideology that Arthur Miller no doubt aligns himself with. The structure and resolution of "A View From the …

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…system. Their downfall is inevitable, if not scripted, and the expulsion of those outside the norm is continuous. Those that lay themselves exposed and vulnerable in the way Eddie Carbone does, are systematically purged from society. By placing " A View from the Bridge" in the genre of tragedy and Eddie as the tragic hero, his perdition is inevitable and unavoidable. The play can be seen to be structured so that his downfall is impending throughout.