A True Italian

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Essay Database > Literature > English
You really know you are a true italian when you have a nonna, not a grandma and when you eat Sunday dinner at 2:00. All italains know what a riceball really is and your car has a green, red and white bow with a horn attached to the mirror. Your mechanic, plumber, electrian, accountant and travel agent are all blood relatives. Your best friends are your cousin and your brother-in-law. You are a card carrying VIP …

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…matter what you are always dressed to impress and your favorite movies are Godfather, Goodfellas, Bronx Tale, The Last Don: you live by them! You've been hit by a wooden spoon or had a shoe thrown at you. Who's kidding?--you eat pasta, pasta, pasta everyday. God bless us for being italian, the only nationality that has two kind of people, the real italians, and the ones who wish everyday they were italian...FORZA ITALIA!!!