"A Time To Kill" by John Grisham.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A Time To Kill is by the internationally acclaimed best seller of crime, John Grisham. Set in Clanton, Mississippi back when there was great division between white and black people and when the Ku Klux Klan was most prominent is when this story takes place. Should a lesser crime be acquitted in face of a more heinous one? This is the question the jury has to ask themselves in the case of Carl Lee Hailey …

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…to defend his client. I admired the book for its brutal honesty about the more ugly parts of America's not-so-distant past when black-white discrimination was at its peak. While reading the book, I felt the ten-year-old girl's pain and trauma and her father's anguish and fury. It captures your emotions, taking you into the story itself. This is an 'unputdownable' combination of courtroom drama, crime and suspense that will leave you hanging to the end.