A Theological Reflection on William Norman Pittenger's Ethics of Homosexuality Summary

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Homosexuality, is really a debatable topic not just on the ground of academic research, but a fact in our church and society. In 1970's, homosexuals were awaken of their rights and formed a Gay Rights Movement. They came from many different classes of the society and presented themselves in front of their fellowmen. In 1967, an Act of Sexual Offences was passed in the British Parliament that proclaimed homosexual activity was no longer being a crime. …

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…and highest position. Other scholars pointed out that love was not only measured by commitment, but also measured by the gender order. They believed that gender order mentioned in the Bible was God's will on human sexual relationship. Only under heterosexuality, human race could be continued. The fatal problem of Pittenger was that he tried to escape from the problem of gender order. This fatal attack made Pittenger's ethics of homosexuality could not be accepted.