A Technological Revelation: this report takes you through specific technology and how it advanced how we live.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A Technological Revelation Through the years inventors have helped to improve technology and the conveniences of life. A revolution took place, after the Civil War, in order for us to get to where we are today. Life in the 1800's wasn't as simple there was no electricity, telephones, long train ride transportation or running water. Though living in the 1800's were not easy as the inventions were becoming more modernized. Our antiques were there latest …

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…work, for the entire world to observe. The advancements made then have affected us now in many ways we still use the Brooklyn Bridge. The telegraph evolved into the telephone, which we now use today. Cheap light bulbs are in every household and electricity is plentiful and very much a part of our lives thanks to great inventors such as Thomas Edison. We have now modernized and improved greatly from the 1800's to the 21 century.