"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A Tale of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is an historical fiction novel set in 1775- 1793 in the cities of Paris and London. The French Revolution serves as the historical backdrop to the story. The reliability and usefulness of A Tale of Two Cities in adding knowledge and understanding of the Reign of Terror in France will be examined. Charles Dickens wrote this book in 1859 in London, sixty years after …

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…puts emphasis on the most important parts, but this is sometimes overshadowed by typical novel themes. Seen through the eyes of a random narrator, Dickens immaculately describes important aspects which are useful for the depth study while some are completely absent. It is to this significance that this is where he is lacking. The novel is very useful in adding knowledge to some of the focus points but completely useless in helping with the others.