A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Analysis of the character Sydney Carton

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities was written as a political commentary to inform the people of the causes of the revolution in France. Dickens in his novel tried to show that if there were love during this time, the revolution would have succeeded, or if there was love a revolution wouldn't even have been needed. The revolution failed, because it acted out of revenge and hate, but Sydney Carton, a fictional character in …

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…was able to commit suicide, and at the same time make it look good. Carton may have shown himself to be distasteful and meaningless. Although, in reality he was truly the opposite of what he perceived himself to be. He was brave, intelligent, and caring, although these qualities may had been hidden behind his drunkenness, and low self respect. If the revolutionaries had shown the love that Carton did, they would have most likely succeeded.