A Tale of Two Cities and The Princess Bride:Loyalty

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the novels A Tale of Two Cities and The Princess Bride the theme of loyalty is displayed throughout the stories. Dr. Manette and Wesley are perfect examples of this. He is loyal to Lucie under all circumstances. This is shown by his daily devotion to her, as he forgets about everything else just to make her happy. Similarly, Wesley is devoted to Buttercup in a very similar fashion. He sacrifices everything else just for …

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…loyal to him. In the same fashion, Lucie did not know that Manette was alive, but when she met him she helped to bring him back to life; she remained loyal to him. In all four of these characters, loyalty is displayed and its result is the preservation of life. These characters were loyal to each other, which eventually led to them saving each other's lives. Just as sacrifice caused death, their loyalty caused life.