A Tale of Two Cities Theme

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout the book, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, the theme of sacrifice is used to help the reader realize the cost of life, as well as to develop the plot through the effects of those sacrifices. Through the characters of Miss Pross, Dr. Manette, and Sydney Carton the theme of sacrifice is developed. Miss Pross was sacrificing her life day by day for Lucie to have a better life. Miss Pross devotes …

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…de by people like Ms. Pross and Sydney Carton that allowed people to live. Through their numerous sacrifices, the value of life is measured in A Tale of Two Cities, and their sacrifices give life to a time that was filled with much more death. Just as Jesus' sacrifice allowed people to have life, the sacrifices of Ms. Pross, Dr. Manette and Sydney Carton, allowed Lucie and her loved ones to have life as well.