A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens has been acclaimed as one of the foremost satirists of the nineteenth century. In his novel A Tale of Two Cities Dickens finds fault with the social structure of the society. A few of these social problems are the difference between the classes, the lunacy of the revolution, and the judicial system in effect as this time. The first of the faults in the social structure of the …

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…kill not just Charles Darnay, but his entire family. This shows that during the revolution the judicial system was changed, to suit the common people, but the mentality remained the same. Because of these faults, Dickens shows that nothing is perfect, not even after the revolution does anything really change. These are not the only faults of the social structure of the society, but there are many more that show Dickens' ridicule for this society.