A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In Charles Dickens' novel A Tale Of Two Cities, Sydney Carton is a man of several distinct characteristics. Carton is shown originally to be a frustrated alcoholic, but then turns out to be a very noble and genuine man. Sydney Carton is also shown in the novel to be somewhat immature in his actions and thoughts. Throughout the book, Sydney Carton does not always act or seem like he is the age that he is. …

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…Lucie, as well as for Charles. Sydney also shows very admirable characteristics when he helps the innocent woman at the guillotine. His personality totally changed throughout the novel to become a very selfless, caring person. A Tale Of Two Cities shows Sydney Carton to have very many characteristics, both noble and some unpleasant. He is originally a confused, self-caring alcoholic, then changes to truly care for people, and to sacrifice his life for his love.