A Tale of Two Cities (Theme of Ressurection)

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Reflection of Theme of Resurrection In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens uses a variety of themes, including, revenge, revolution, fate, imprisonment and more. Though these are very important themes, and were integral elements of this novel, resurrection served as the main theme aside from the obvious one which is revolution. The reason I chose resurrection instead of revolution, is because it is applicable outside of this novels setting (though Dickens made some very …

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…his own life, giving it purpose and meaning. Themes in novels generally come from the authors personal life, and we probably don't know why Dicken's was so pre-occupied with it, but it is none the less a very predominate method used in Dickens' writing. Even if we don't know why the author chose the theme of resurrection, it certainly added some spice to the novel, and was interwoven with great craftmanship into the novel's plot.