A Tale of Evil

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Nathaniel Hawthorne is considered by many a great writer. Hawthorne's use of imagery captures the reader's attention and holds it throughout the story, such as the reader will experience in the tale of Young Goodman Brown. In the fable of Young Goodman Brown the reader is thrown into a twist of good versus evil. Hawthorne portrays evil in his choice of words which describe the forest and the old man with the staff. The first …

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…Many perceive snakes to be a symbol of evil. As one can see, Hawthorne's choice of words lead the reader to believe that there is evil in the tale of Young Goodman Brown. In the beginning of the story the audience is introduced into a forest of dark and loneliness. The reader is then introduced to a man who appears to be the devil himself. Hawthorne's use of imagery is what keeps the audience reading.