"A Streetcar Named Desire", Illusion vs. Reality.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In A Streetcar Named Desire, several of the characters use illusion to make themselves more sociably acceptable. This is true especially for Blanche Du Bois. She will lie, or "elude" any chance she gets if it will make her look good. Stella uses the "illusion" of a happy marriage to make her life bearable. Some people such as Blanche would much rather live in a dream world of blissful ignorance than face the facts. On …

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…being. I think he also wants us to realize however is that many people will become upset upon hearing that they've been lied to, even if the reason of the guilty party was to protect that person from an unwanted truth. I believe that you should tell the truth as often as possible to avoid any misunderstanding. While illusion is nice to have around, reality is something people feel that they can put faith into.