A Stranger is Watching
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Literature > English
A Stranger is Watching
A Stranger is Watching is a terrific book. I enjoyed reading this book very much. The non-stop action kept
me reading for hours.
One of the best features of the book is how it was written.The point of view changes every
chapter.For example Chapter 1 is written in the point of view of the infamous Foxy character.Chapter 2 is
written in the point if view of our protagonist, Steve; and
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his ex! ecution and released from prison. I enjoyed this part of the story so much because it was the point of the highest excitement. Every event that took place in the story built up to this major event.All excitement in the story was covered at this point.I feel the climax is the best part of every story,and should be.This was definitely one of the best books I have ever read.
his ex! ecution and released from prison. I enjoyed this part of the story so much because it was the point of the highest excitement. Every event that took place in the story built up to this major event.All excitement in the story was covered at this point.I feel the climax is the best part of every story,and should be.This was definitely one of the best books I have ever read.