A Short Report on Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"

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Essay Database > Literature
Ender's Game is a book about a government program to defend the planet Earth from alien attack. There are certain child geniuses that are offered an opportunity to join in the training program before they hit puberty. If they choose to accept their mission they must leave their families behind. If they are going to be fighting aliens they need to be touch enough to have no family. Ender has a very close relationship with …

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…have read over the past year this is my favorite. I would recommend this to anyone who likes science fiction as a must. But even if you don't it's still definitely an interesting read for it does not focus on geeky technology to tell the story. Instead it utilizes a young boy and his everyday problems as an adolescent. I think the most appealing part may be that most of us can relate to Ender.