A Seperate Peace. The question asks how Gene's paranoia and jelousy ultimately brought about his betrayal of Finny. Includes direct quotations from the novel.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A SEPERATE PEACE In the novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, portrays in perfect detail a multitude of instances involving true human nature. Gene Forrester, the narrator of the book, is a prime example of the evils of human nature. Gene is generally viewed as a simple and harmless person. However, his path is paved with suffering through his friends. Through his adolescent years, Gene came to paranoid about his best friend, Finny. He …

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…and let these false emotions control him and do terrible things. In life, it is important to know yourself and your friends better than anyone else. However, Gene did not know himself and did not understand the true friendship that Finny provided. Only when it was to late did Gene realize the truth. Only after Finny's death was Gene able to realize his jealousy and paranoia had taken control and ultimately brought about Finny's death.