A Seperate Peace- Finny&Gene

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
A Seperate Peace The line between friendship and hatred can sometimes be very unclear. Where exactly does one cross over this line? Could it possibly be when one discovers envy within himself for his friend, or is it when he begins to wish he is somewhere other then where he is? In the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the friendship line between Finny and Gene is extremely unclear. What would cause ones best …

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…The theme pervades in this section of the plot, because Finny seems older and more mature when Gene comes to see him at home. Finny also seems to have been changed from his former athletic self to an invalid. The whole novel portrays a theme of transformation. The transformation I explained here is the transformation from friends to enemies, returning to a newfound friendship. And yet still the line of friendship to hatred remains unclear.