A Separate Peace: Reality vs. Appearance Literary Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
One major theme in A Separate Peace by John Knowles is appearance versus reality. There are many points where this theme makes an appearance and it is one of, if not the most, important themes throughout the book. There are specific points throughout the book where this theme is emphasized. This theme is especially notable in Gene's characterizations of himself, and of Finny. Gene tries to present himself as a rule-abiding, nice kind of person, …

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…Gene finds out, what is on the surface sometimes does not denote what is hidden underneath. Throughout the book, reality vs. appearance was emphasized throughout the two main characters. Both of them were not always what they seemed, they were constantly contradicting themselves, doing things that did not seem to be in character for them. However, it was their true character that began to show as it emerged from behind the guise of another personality.