A Separate Peace Allegorical Essay

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Book: A Separate Peace; Author: John Knowles. This is an Allegorical essay of the various themes of "A Separate Peace," including the fall from grace and the naivete needed to form a separate peace. Adolescent notion instinctively harbors the concept of peace, while mature conception is only capable of perceiving pandemonium. In A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, Gene and Finny are essentially estranged by the awareness of themselves and the world around them. Gene, …

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…itiate one way, it is almost impossible for things to preserve continuity over time. Although Finny started off intrinsically good, his acceptance of the war signified his beginning step out of adolescent good heartedness and into adult evilness. While Gene started off in mature wickedness, he moved on to redemption superceding immorality, and heading into childish goodness. This book demonstrates that while keeping an pubescent mentality, it is impossible to uphold a separate peace perpetually.