A Separate Peace

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A Separate Peace (John Knowles) A Separate Peace written by John Knowles is about two boys who are best friends and worst enemies. The characters names are Gene and Phineas, also known as Finny. During the story Finny starts a club called Super Suicide Society so Gene can have some fun at Devon, but Gene assumes he is trying to ruin his study habits. The theme of the story is to think before you act, …

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…would think that Gene was just a friend and the story would not be half as good. My conclusion is that Finny shouldn't have died, and he could have had a little evil in him to make him a little more human. Gene could have had a little sympathy for Finny's death because if he hated him or not Finny was good to him and people in real life would be sad over someone's death.