A Rumor of War. A brief history of the events leading to the Vietnam war, and a critical analaysis of the novel "A Rumor of War".

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President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address set the trend of his administration to adopt an ever more active role in world politics. The internationalist administration was committed to spreading Capitalism and Democracy around the globe. Kennedy said that the country was prepared "to pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty." This sounds all very well and romantic, but after …

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…previously held and then forfeited. <Tab/>"The next day, April 30(1975), the ship's captain announced that the Saigon government had surrendered to the North Vietnamese. We took the news quietly. It was over." Final paragraph Caputo It was over and so was Americas confidents and idealism too. America had lost the war Vietnam and Watergate left the public temporarily questioning the power of the presidency, and forever cynical of their public officials