A Rose For Miss Emily

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Emily Grierson was born into a wealthy family and raised during the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. She was the daughter of a Colonial in the Southern Army. Miss Emily was brought up in an aristocratic society, and her home was one of the most beautiful in her neighbourhood. She resided here until her death. The Grierson's wealth diminished as slavery began to wane, and was eventually abolished in 1865. At the time of her death all …

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…thought this was the only recourse she had to preserve the laws of tradition, and the law of God in her heart. Even with Homer dead, at least she was a married woman. She could not face being a fallen woman once again. Over the years and up to Miss Emily's death, her love, faithin, and committment to Homer never waned. We know this because she never left his side, even in his death bed.