A Road to a Hero

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Essay Database > Literature > English
It is important to try to better yourself, to strive to make yourself a better person, to become a hero to yourself or perhaps a mentor for others. This does involve some sacrifices and self discipline. You must push yourself and not give up. I think I am capable of this if I put my mind to it, and stick to my commitments. I would like to be stronger, healthier, wealthier and contol my mental …

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…help me with my friends and peers, or perhaps keep me from hurting someone in an irrational moment. If I can become stronger, healthier, wealthier and have more control of my feelings and emotions, I will become a better person for my future. I will need to srtive to achieve my goals that I have set for myself. To become a hero to myself and others, I will need to work hard and be consistant.