A Review of In Cold Blood

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Upon arriving in Holcomb, a small congregation of buildings on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, Perry and Dick, two men recently paroled for petty crimes, left almost no evidence behind except for a bloody footprint and a radio they stole from the Clutter house. In the investigative nonfiction murder story "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote, the story of Perry and Dick and the night of November 15, 1959 is relived. This fast-paced and straightforward …

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…to the reader. While Capote became somewhat friendly with the two killers, he, too, was disturbed by some of their thinking. Shortly after their executions, Capote admitted to having become an alcoholic and an addict of tranquilizers to help him deal with the stress. The murder story, "In Cold Blood," by Truman Capote truly gives a new meaning to the term gut-wrenching through its unconventional retelling of events and its possible motives passed in childhood.