A Review of Graham Greene's The Comedians

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The Comedians By Graham Greene Comedian: a writer of comedies, an actor who plays comic roles, a comic individual… The irony in naming a book based on the ugliest dictatorship in Haitian history The Comedians is typical of the author. From what I have read about him this irony and his almost prophetic ability to see future events is a trademark. The characters pre-occupation with an American invasion did in fact come to pass. He …

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…revolution was a very dirty word in all-western governments. The shear injustice of the dehumanizing poverty and violence that was faced by most and made them revolutionaries wasn't even acknowledged until 20 years after this book was written. I think Mr. GreeneJ (another one of those names) was trying to point out the causes, and by default the solutions to the problem of the revolutions our government so feared. Acknowledging the problem is the first step.