A Report outlining the Biological Bases of Training and Exercise in Athletics (1500m).

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
A Report outlining the Biological Bases of Training and Exercise in Athletics (1500m). Name: Nicola Carter Recipient: Mr. Fogarty Date due: 18/11/02 Page 2 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Statement of purpose 1.2 Statement of audience 1.3 Statement of significance 1.4 Statement of parameters 1.5 Statement of methodology 1.6 Statement of limitations Page 3,4,5,6 2.0 Findings 2.1 The three energy systems 2.1.1 The Anaerobic energy system The Creatine Phosphate system The Lactic Acid system 2.1.2 The Aerobic energy system 2.2 Training methods 2.2.1 Interval Training 2.2.2 Continuous Training 2.2.3 Fartlek Training 2.3 Specificity 2.4 Components of fitness 2.4.1 …

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