A Report on "Belief Matters: Cultural Beliefs and the use of Cervical Cancer-Screening Tests."

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A Report on "Belief Matters: Cultural Beliefs and the use of Cervical Cancer-Screening Tests." by Chavez, McMullin, Mishra, Hubbell in The Journal of the America Anthropological Assoc., Volume 4, 2001, 1114-11127. This article examines different cultural and behavioral beliefs in Latina women that may affect their use of medical services, primarily with Pap exams and the risk factors of cervical cancer. Their objective was to use two different cultural models (Latina women, Anglo women) to show how …

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…Pap exams. The disadvantage position of Latinas, especially immigrants, in U.S. society defines, to a large degree, their access to medical services" (1125). These finding conclude that more acculturated, and U.S. born Latinas appear to be closer to the beliefs of Anglo women about cervical cancer and the risk factors. Therefore, the ones most at risk are the Latina immigrants who do not share the same cultural beliefs as those in the U.S.